Single long blue acupuncture needles sticking in paw of dog

Integrative Therapy

Countryside Veterinary Services doctor

Integrative Veterinary Medicine is a broad discipline that includes and combines several different aspects of whole-pet care. Techniques blend western medicine with holistic approaches to treatment, and can include spinal manipulation, acupuncture, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and nutrition.

Dr. Sarah Diederich was certified in Medical Acupuncture for Veterinarians in all species of animals in October 2014. In December of 2017, Dr. Sarah was certified in VSMT for all species of animals as well.

Veterinary Spinal Manipulation Therapy

Veterinary Spinal Manipulation (VSMT) therapy, affectionately referred to as “animal chiropractic” is aimed to promote a healthy body by manipulating the musculoskeletal and neurologic systems. It supports the function in a healthy animal in addition to addressing the dysfunction of the above systems.

Medical Acupuncture

Medical Acupuncture is a therapeutic method that usually involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles. Treatment with medical acupuncture helps by promoting health and well-being, by preventing illness, and by addressing a variety of medical conditions and pain problems such as digestive ailments, respiratory issues, neurologic problems and musculoskeletal complaints.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are interested in beginning Spinal Manipulation or Medical Acupuncture for your pet, please call our clinic, at (920) 968-3322 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sarah Diederich.